Would you like to reflect on yourself and your current situation? Maybe change things in your life?
I would be happy to accompany you a bit on your way.
Sonja Hurter is characterized by a positive outlook on life, a keen sense for people and an appreciative, honest manner. She accompanies her clients in an attentive, supportive and
and according to their needs. Self-reflection and lifelong learning are a matter of
a matter of course for Sonja Hurter.
- JobCoach on behalf of Schwyz and SVA Zurich
- LearningCoach on behalf of the Education Office of the Canton of Schwyz
- Manager in work integration, application coach & youth coach
- RAV personnel consultant
- Businesswoman with broad professional experience
- Diploma Systemic Coach, Federal Certificate HR Specialist Consulting
- SVEB certificate, part-time vocational trainer, NLP practitioner
- Polarity course August 2019 to April 2022